Sunshine Autos is located directly east from Escobar International Airport. The easiest way to see the location is look at your map. The Car Showroom is located on the second island-so make sure you have unlocked it and done the mission Shakedown at the Vercetti Estate successfully. This non-working garage is the garage that is gonna change the showroom forever. Totally sh*t, the garage won't work, you will hate it but one day you will love it Some poetry huh!!. You will see that it holds a Pay n' Spray, a set of garages and another non-working garage.

When you buy it you will see that there is a little ramp like an underground passage, go down it and check it out. But no, believe me you gotta make the the magic work and make it a superb car showroom. Once you buy it you will see that it is merely a glass box with only a Sentinel in it and a save cassette. To gain access to the showroom you will have to buy it for $50,000, so make sure you have the paper before going to buy it. But in GTA Vice City it is a asset business. It also appeared in GTA Vice City Stories, but it is only a place where Vic Vance can buy cars and participate in Street Races. It can be bought by Tommy Vercetti in GTA Vice City as one of the asset businesses in the game. Sunshine Autos also known as Sun Yard is a car showroom which is located in Vice City just South of Little Havana. GTA Vice City Sunshine Autos Asset Walkthroughs